The Personalist Forum ArchivesSubscriptions
The Personalist Forum is now The Pluralist. We want to thank you for your past support of The Personalist Forum and look forward to your continued interaction with The Pluralist. Those who were still owed issues of The Personalist Forum should have received issues of the new journal, The Pluralist, to fulfill their subscriptions. The first issue of The Pluralist appeared in the spring of 2006. The Pluralist will continue The Personalist Forum's mission as the organ for personalism under an expanded idea, which seeks to address pluralism in all its types and forms. Although contributors have already shown great patience, I ask for just a little more as we transition to our new publishing format. The most helpful thing to us will be for each of you to renew your subscriptions, and to ask your libraries either to subscribe or insure their renewal. The subscriptions generated are the key to the continued survival of the journal, since the support from our home institutions is designed to be replaced by subscriptions revenues over the next four years. We have that long to get established and working again. Please take a moment to visit The Pluralist subscriptions page by clicking the following link: Subscriptions to The Pluralist. Back issue requests regarding The Personalist Forum can be sent directly to me via email at drauxier@yahoo.com. Please note, however, that due to publication constraints the following issues are no longer available in print format: 1.1, 1.2, 6.2 and 8.1(suppliment). Sincerely, October 31st, 2005